For the Love of Cutter

For the Love of Cutter

Monday, March 22, 2010

Here We Go Again...

Hello Friends,
Well, today was our first full day here at the hospital in Chapel Hill. We do not know anything more yet than what we did before. There have been a bunch of doctors in and out of here, but we haven't really discussed a plan of action yet. All we know is that he is having another MRI tomorrow morning. Which means he can't eat anything after midnight tonight. :( They also had to put in an IV so that he doesn't get dehydrated while he is fasting. The IV is in his foot this time. He was a brave little boy!

He has had more seizures and jerking episodes today. However, they have all been recorded and videotaped. He is continuously hooked up to an EEG monitor and video camera. (We have to be careful what we say! Ha,ha!) Several nurses have seen his episodes, too, so maybe that will be of some help.

We aren't really sure how long we will be here since they aren't quite sure what all is going with Cutter. They aren't sure why he is still having seizures, why he isn't responding to the anti-epileptic drugs, and what the jerking episodes really are. We will stay as long as we need to!!!

We will keep you updated. Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Hey darlin,
    Thanks so much for the updates on Cutter! I am always checking to see if there's something new (or resolved) with his condition. Please know that he and you and Chris are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Be brave and believe that God will help him through this difficult time. Love you all. T

  2. Thinking of you guys often and saying a prayer with every thought. You are right, God will prevail and our little man will be taken care of!
    I love you all!
    Aunt Shannon
